It’s always great to hear from readers of my waterfall book and I appreciate them taking the time to send along a message. Some folks write about how they used my book for a recent trip or inquire about driving routes to see waterfalls in a region. But, back in December I received one from a guy named Austin and this one is my most memorable to date. I was in awe the first time I read it and had to read it again a few times because it was such a cool story. Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to share this with all of you. (You’ll understand why when you finish reading it.)
Hey Greg,
Sincerely, Austin
I wanted to start out this email by thanking you for your fantastic Waterfalls of Michigan book. This past summer your book was gifted to my fiancée Sarah and I right before we visited Pictured Rocks Nat’l Lakeshore for the first time. Your book was used to visit every waterfall in and around the area. All of your tips and tricks to locate the waterfalls were immensely helpful and we wouldn’t have been able to find some of them without it. Therefore, I wanted to start off by saying thank you for going through all of the hard work to create it.
Utilizing your book I asked my then girlfriend at the time to become my wife on June 26th while we were at the base of the Lower Mosquito Falls! I had planned for months to ask her at Chapel Falls but the day before visiting both Chapel and Mosquito Falls, your description of Mosquito Falls changed everything. It seemed to be more “us” with a wild adventure just to get there and hidden off the beaten path. I switched locations the night before and the rest is history! I’ve also attached a few pictures of how I managed to capture it all on video with hidden GoPros in a backpack behind tear away patches and a screen shot of the proposal in progress.
Thank you again for everything, you’re a life changer!
Congrats to Austin and Sarah on their engagement and to many great, memorable years ahead. (As well as Austin’s cleverness to capture the engagement on video!) It was such an honor to play a part in your special day and made the whole book project worth the effort.