Greg Kretovic: author, photographer and proud Yooper

Greg Kretovic is a proud Yooper who lives in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Since moving to the U.P. to attend Northern Michigan University, where he earned a BFA in Art and Design, he has enjoyed living in this special part of the state as well as seeing and doing all that the area has to offer. Along the way, he started photographing the landscapes, waterfalls, seasons and more. Greg is also known for his photographs of the mighty Lake Superior —the greatest of the Great Lakes. He has sold prints throughout the U.S. and has had his work published in magazines, television, news media and advertising. When Greg isn’t out photographing he works as a freelance graphic/web designer. He also enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including cross-country skiing, running, fishing, hiking and camping with his family.
To view more of Greg’s photography or to order prints of the waterfalls in this book, visit his website He is also active on social media so search for him on there, as well.
Please feel free to contact Greg with any questions you have about the book or other U.P. knowledge.